As a part time employee for Kaza Associates now Hagan Associates I worked on a variety of print and web projects. As my first professional post graduation it was great to work with such experience professionals.
As a part time employee for Kaza Associates now Hagan Associates I worked on a variety of print and web projects. As my first professional post graduation it was great to work with such experience professionals.
As a part time employee for Kaza Associates now Hagan Associates I worked on a variety of print and web projects. As my first professional post graduation it was great to work with such experience professionals.
I am always looking to meet new people and work with new technologies and processes. A wide array of skills and experiences that allow me to craft custom solutions to your questions.
I am located in Milton, Vermont and have worked in Burlington, Vermont since graduating from Champlain College in 2011 with a BS in Multimedia & Graphic Design.